who are we

We add intelligence and innovation to brands comunication and marketing activities.

Created in 2007, we are the first Portuguese company specialist in marketing and communication strategy.

We like new paradigms and are driven by the constant need to change and adapt to a world that, day after day, shows no signs of slowing down. We believe that business success lies in the ability to reinvent and innovate. We feel good in an environment that changes every minute. That’s what makes us tick.


based on 4 pillars



We have developed a set of tools and procedures to help us improve brand performance.



We transform strategy into graphic and digital design.



We use Brand Matrix, a proprietary marketing tool that improves brand performance and also quali-quanti research to validate strategy and creativity.



Strategy is at the core of our advertising communication, online and offline.

Miguel Velhinho

The founder of
Projecto Manhattan

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Miguel made most of his career in the advertising industry, starting in 1989 as an account executive for Lintas and DMB&B agencies. A taste for strategy lead him to account planning at Young & Rubicam Portugal, where he worked for nine years, becoming executive director and partner of this agency.

In the year Y&R reached the first place in the agencies ranking, Miguel left for another challenge, becoming the general manager of DDB Lisboa, where he stayed for four years, bringing this agency to the industry Top 10.


In 2007 he joined, as general manager, the organisation of the global event that took place on 07.07.2007, The New 7 Wonders of the World,

Also in 2007, he launched Projecto Manhattan: the first company specialized in marketing and communication strategy in the Portuguese market.


Miguel has a vast experience in a multitude of industries: banking and finance; insurance; automobile; food and beverages; household appliances; telecommunications; social media; e-commerce; IGO’s; NGO’s; tourism; clothing; sports equipment; cleaning products; cosmetics; pharmaceutical; fuels and lubricants; optics; social solidarity; television chains; hyper and supermarkets; watchmaking; health; etc.


logobrand matrix para area de research

Is a marketing tool for brand managers and marketing managers.

Created by Projecto Manhattan and implemented in partnership with the market research company Intercampus, Brand Matrix is a market research study that analyses brands operating in the national market, providing a detailed brand diagnosis and providing clues to improve their future performance.

Brand Matrix has two versions: the annual wave, carried out at national level among the consumer population with a wide range of brands and market categories; and the mini-wave, made exclusively for brands in a given market category in a specific period of time.

How it works

We believe that the success of brands is determined by the relationship of the 4 essential powers that each brand has among consumers:

Standout – how well brands stand out from each other in the consumer’s mind.

Relevance – to what extent are brands relevant in the daily lives of consumers.

Popularity – the extent to which brands generate a good opinion among consumers.

Proximity – to what extent brands are present in consumers’ lives.

4 Powers

The combination of Highlight and Relevance gives us the ENERGY of the brand, that is, the potential that the brand has to grow)

The combination of Popularity and Proximity gives us the DIMENSION of the brand: what it has conquered in the consumer’s mind until today.

Crossing the Energy with the Dimension of a brand gives us its position in the matrix and provides us with a set of insights about the current situation of the brand and its future potential. Each quadrant of the matrix has its specific brand profile.

Brand Matrix also gives us a detailed set of information about the brand across various segments: Total Population, Gender, Age, Social Class, Region.

atributes, profile
awareness, usage freq, buying intention
Want to know more about Brand Matrix? Contact us.

Our brands

The diversity of the brands we work with is a demonstration of the know-how and flexibility we have when working with different market categories.


Talk to us

Travessa Particular à Rua da Centieira, 5

1800-300 Lisboa